

MEANING: (verb intr.)

  • 1. To nod the head.
  • 2. To oscillate while rotating (as an astronomical body).
  • 3. To move in a curving or circular fashion (as a plant stem, leaf, etc.).
  • ETYMOLOGY: Back-formation from nutation, from Latin nutare (to nod repeatedly), frequentative of -nuere (to nod), from numen (nod of the head, command, divine will). Earliest documented use: 1880.

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    “In pubs across the land, the customers speak of little else but lunar nutation, especially since the moon is nutating at this very moment.” – Tom Shields; Fur Coats and No Moral Fibre?; The Sunday Herald (Glasgow,Scotland); Oct 1, 2006.

    “Tendrils of pea plants nutate in the air and when come in contact of any support, they coil around it.” – Competition Science Vision; Apr 1999.

    Explore “nutate” in the Visual Thesaurus.

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