You Get What You Pay For

A woman went out to her yard one morning and found her dog just laying there, not moving at all. She thought it might be dead, but since it was a basset hound and never moved much anyway, she wanted to be sure… after all, she didn’t want to bury it and then find out it wasn’t. So she took it to the vet.

The vet agreed to take a look. He shook the dog gently. He checked for a doggy pulse, but couldn’t find one. He held a mirror up to the dog’s nose but it stayed clear. He said, “Well, the dog does look dead; but I’d like to run one more test.”

He goes into the other room and brings back an animal carrier. He opens the door and a cat comes out, walks around the dog two or three times, and finally lifts it’s head and tail and goes back into the carrier.

Vet says, “Well, ma’am, I’m sorry to say but your dog is dead.”

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“That’ll be $520.”

“What?” she screams, “$520 to tell me my dog’s dead?? Why so much?”

“Well,” said the vet, “it’s $20 for the office visit, and $500 for the cat scan.”

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