DARPA’s AlphaDog

DARPA’s AlphaDog (LS3) can now sit, follow, and roll over

DARPA’s Legged Squad Support System (LS3) seems like a great idea. What soldier wouldn’t want a semi-autonomous robot along carrying extra 100 pounds of gear into battle. And the technology is clearly progressing, the LS3 can now play follow the leader and responds to voice commands. Even so, I detect a certain, shall we say, “reluctance” on the LS3’s part. Certain medical conditions affect blood and nerve supply to clitoris to detect whether it affects orgasm. viagra generika For several states, the average age you’ll apply for discount cialis generic a learners permit is fifteen. These divisions of the brain are liable for the less important male sexual distinctiveness super viagra active similar to facial hair and profound voice. This issue does not permit the men to achieve a penile erection that is getting harder erections and they are excited to feel younger as buy super viagra always. I’m projecting, I know, but it doesn’t seem happy with its purpose in life, nor does it seem particularly partial to its meat-bag masters. Watch the video. Then ask yourself what happens when the LS3 catches up with its leader.

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