DOS/Windows Command Line

UPDATED: 2019.02.18.16:02 UTC

NOTE: Once you perform an action such as Format, it is not revertible.

View results one line at a time:
c:\>dir /s|more
Then use the enter key to move by line; or
Use the spacebar for a page.
Use F7 to display a list of previously entered commands.
Use F9 to select from the prior commands.
Export the directory tree to a text file:
c:\>tree /a > c:\tree_list.txt
Change the command prompt’s title:
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View you network information:
c:\>ipconfig /all

Syntax and options:

Ping Command

UPDATED: 2019.07.25.20:48 UTC

Tracert Command

UPDATED: 2019.06.24.20:48 UTC

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