
What’s the difference between a hazelnut and a filbert?
Nothing – The hazelnut, is also called “filbert.” One theory of the origin of the name filbert is that it comes from St. Philibert, a 7th century Frankish abbot, whose feast day is August 20, which happens to be in the middle of the nutting season in Europe. Hazel is the older European name.

How did Fig Newtons get their name?
Fig Newtons were created in 1891 by the Kennedy Biscuit Works in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts. As legend has it, the company had named many of their other cookies for nearby towns, and almost called it the “Fig Shrewsbury” before Newton won out. Depending on who you listen to, they were named after either Sir Isaac Newton or the town of Newton, Massachussettes. The popular cookie was one of the first commercially baked products in America.

Why isn’t a spider an insect?
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Why can’t we explore a neutron star first hand?
Because they’re super-dense. If an astronaut tried to land on a neutron star, he or she would be crushed by the extremely strong force of gravity, and squashed into a thin layer less than one atom thick. This is because neutron stars are actually the collapsed cores of massive stars, packing roughly the mass of our Sun into a region the size of a city

Who first came up with calculus?
The English scientist Isaac Newton and the German mathematician Gottfried W. Leibniz, working independently, both discovered calculus, the branch of mathematics that studies continuously changing quantities.

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